During this god forsaken weather i have kept myself busy with lots of knitting. I will be able to finish the scarf seen above today. This is my summer skinny scarf. I loved the blend of the ribbon yarn with the mohair accents.
The other project is a pair of pedi socks for my sister. I think she will love them. I am making them with lion brand wool in olive green and a purple/blue color. THis pic does not do the color justice.

This is a view from my son's window of the neighbors yard. Late last night it was very slushy outside but not too much in the way of ice. Today however there is a huge layer of ice everywhere.

The tops of the trees are sagging with the weight of the ice. We had a few power outages last night too.

Even though it is sooo cold and gross outside it is still very beutiful to look at. I love the way these bushes look in my neighbors yard.

I am waiting for our power to go out at anytime. Just take a look at these wires coming off of our house. They are getting thicker and thicker. If we get anymore ice today these things are going to break. We also have alot of flooding too. The sandusky river is way way over it's banks and has flooded the local park and golf course.

This is my driveway last night. It is one huge sheet of ice. I really wanted to go walking around on it. :)

This is my Josh. He is cleaning off the back porch but first he had to break all the ice off of the shovel. Poor guy, he had to wear micah's gloves, We couldn't find his work gloves.
This has been a crazy weather week and it is just getting worse. Micah didn't have school today. He is soo happy but to bad it is so nasty outside he can't go out and play. We are watching the princess bride on HBO. He has never seen it and I just love passing on my wonderful movie knowledge. I want him to watch Annie. He loved the laybinth and he loves Star Wars. So far he is so into Princess Bride. We tried to let him watch Robin Hood Men in Tights but we quickly realized that it was a bit too grown up for him.
He recently started watching the Jetson's and the Flinestones.
Well i'm off to watch the movie with my boy and finish the pedi sock.
Best wishes and happy stitches.
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