So two days ago it was nice enough outside that my son was able to get his bike out of the garage and go play with his neighborhood friends. Today is a whole different story. It started to rain last night, that rain has since turned into a nice layer if ice and now we have snow, ice and sleet.
The picture above is of the lines going from the house to the garage, they have about a half inch layer of ice around them.
There is more on the way.
Today was also the presidential primary's voting in Ohio. I'm sure this weather hurt the voter turn out a bit.
I was able to talk my mother into voting, she really didn't want to leave the house.
I was able to talk my mother into voting, she really didn't want to leave the house.
I voted and have my sticker now :)
I guess i will keep mum about who i voted for but let me just say. May the best MAN win HEHEHE, hint hint ;)
I actually did research on this round of voting and watched several of the debates. I was amazed at how much slander goes on via the internet. People are really passionate about who they want to win and i don't personally ever remember a time in my almost 30 years of life where so many young people were this excited about voting and the election.
I'm very happy that they finally realize they have a say and not just with what they put on a t-shirt.
Well on the knitting front.
I have started my summer skinny scarf. I made this with two yarns blended together. One is berroco glace in a deep red almost wine color and the other is a verigated fuzzy green mohair. I can't remember who made this yarn as i lost the label many months ago. I think it is coming out wonderfully. I'm making it in a K2, P2 rib stitch.
Best wishes and happy stitches
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