Time for a long over due update. I have recently TOLD josh he is going to marry me. He no longer has a choice in the matter. LOL. We are talking about getting married in sept. of 2010. I wanted a mexican themed wedding, food, music, tequila :) etc. I want a party. So here are a few of the dresses i like. THe black one is the bridesmaid dress my sister has picked out. She has decided that she is planning the wedding, which is ok with me since she is sooo much more girly than i am. There are only a few things i am not letting her pick out. Food, music and what time the wedding starts. I am sooo not getting married in the afternoon, I want a late wedding. There is no way i'm getting up at like 8 am just to get my hair done. I'm thinking more like noon to get the hair done maybe like a 3 or 4 start time for the wedding ? who knows i have plenty of time to think about it and have plenty of time to loose some weight :( ))) That is my double chin behind the sad face LOL

I found this one on ebay for like 350.00

THese are like 184.00 A little higher than i think they should be but hopefully they will go down my 2010

I'm not sure where i found this one but I loved how it would make me look a bit more busty and hide the belly.
I went to a garage sale this week and this is the amazing finds that i gathered. She was selling all her yarn for only .50 a skein. The first day i only had five dollars so I bought what i could then went back the next day and almost bought all the stuff she was selling.
Counting the first five and what i spent the second day my total was about $22 :)
She just gave me the crochet thread.

This is red heart, i think it will make a nice fall blanket. I love these colors together. one is like a rust color while the other is a light mustard yellow.

Baby pink. I never have a reason to buy pink but i have to get ready to make some more stuff for the foster care children so i thought it would be a good idea to have pink on hand.

My free crochet thread. :) YEAHHHHHH

This is the afghan i'm doing for the ravelympics. I am calling it spiderbaby because when it is done it will look like a spiderweb.

This is my someday baby blanket. Josh and I know we want to have another baby "someday" so i figured as long as it takes me to finish a afgahn i'd better get started on it now :)

The garage sale finds included her giving me this tote. I also purchased a bag a fiber fill, some quilting batting, and two pillow forms.

This is what i bought the first day. I bought just enough to do a baby boy blanket with the solid blue and the varigated blue yarn. I thought it would be cute in the star shape. Who knows what it will end up as :)
You made out with a huge stash! I got your text and when I got home and looked I was showing Sean because I was so excited for you LOL! He totally didn't get it, though!
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