Afterwards my sister jess, my cousin candee and I went to the local park to take some pics. It was a bit cold but the lighting was so nice we had to go. Locally we have had a ton of rain so the park was a bit flooded but it made for a fun day. we also had a chance to go visit a friends grave site and we found some amazing statues. I just feel such a sense of peace at cemetaries. Strange i know. I stoped by a locally "famous" tombstone. I'll post the pic of this famous headstone, check out the date on it. No one really knows why this date is the way it is, whether it is a misprint/typo from the carver etc. they are not really sure.
On the knitting front i am finishing up a friends purse, this time i have to get the pattern right, i'm running out of that yarn.
my st. paddys day hair tie
my little sister jess
one of the many statues we found at the cemetary

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