That was one of the best episodes i have seen in a long time. The only other thing they could of cramed into that show is if layne went into labor. I mean come on, that was jam packed full of goodness. Luke winning some real dad time, chris finding the letter and taking off, sookie is preg. w/ the help of jackson not getting fixed and lying about it, richard having a heart attack (at least they lead us to believe that is what it is), and rory and lucy making up. I wondered how they were going to make sookie preg. melissa mcCarthy, the actress who plays sookie st.james is expecting her first child. They had jackson go get fixed after martha was born so i was wondering how they would work it into the show.
Contest update, i am currently working on a smaller version of the scarf (suggested pattern by z's momma) and i will have enough of it done by tonight to see if we have a winner. So if that is true i will post a detailed version of the pattern on the blog for all to give the second part of the contest a go. so please check back tomorrow and see if it is time to break out the yarn.
P.S. GO LUKE !!!!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Another finished project and a surpise in the mail.

I have had some noro sitting around the house just waiting for the right moment to be used and two days ago we came to a understanding. The yarn is just such a wonderful color that it begged for something cool, hip, young and funky. I had bought the stitch 'n bitch nation book a while ago but had yet to do a pattern from it then the snow fell all at once here in ohio and i needed warmth. i worked up my first pair of armwarmers. I am not a fan of gloves because i hate not being able to pick up small objects with out taking off my gloves. so fingerless gloves was a perfect fit for me and my noro. The camera i am using didn't show how great this color is. it has greens, purples, red, blue and a little bit of pink.
I was in a knitting exchange for christmas. I sent some of the more blue toned noro and some needles to a women named allison out in cal. I really handn't thought much about the gift until yesterday. I received a package in the mail from allison. she took the yarn i sent her and made me a wonderful scarf. Perfect match to my new kinda gloves. lol. Here is a pic of my surprise in the mail.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
CONTEST TIME = FREE YARN !!!! for a closer look at scarf pattern

So while watching the show tonight i couldnt help but fall in love with the scarf lore was wearing. Just the cutest shade of aqua, cream and orange, i loved the length and the stitch pattern.
As i watched i couldn't help but wonder what kind of stitch that was, It almost looked like a drop stitch. hmmmm.
That got me thinking, contest time but with a twist.
Part one--- Put on your designer hat and figure out what it was and tell me how to do it. I really want that scarf. Just add your comments to this post. The pattern that comes the closest to the scarf on TV will win a nice little box in the mail to add to your stash.
Part two---- After the winning pattern is chosen i will post the pattern. that is where you can get creative. Lets see who can come up with the coolest gilmore twist to the pattern. The winner will also get a nice surprise box in the mail.
So pass on the word to your knitting buddies, lets play nice and get some free yarn.
good luck folks
P.s you may email me directly with any questions about this contest or add it to comments
email --- subject line,, gilmore girls kal.
As i watched i couldn't help but wonder what kind of stitch that was, It almost looked like a drop stitch. hmmmm.
That got me thinking, contest time but with a twist.
Part one--- Put on your designer hat and figure out what it was and tell me how to do it. I really want that scarf. Just add your comments to this post. The pattern that comes the closest to the scarf on TV will win a nice little box in the mail to add to your stash.
Part two---- After the winning pattern is chosen i will post the pattern. that is where you can get creative. Lets see who can come up with the coolest gilmore twist to the pattern. The winner will also get a nice surprise box in the mail.
So pass on the word to your knitting buddies, lets play nice and get some free yarn.
good luck folks
P.s you may email me directly with any questions about this contest or add it to comments
email --- subject line,, gilmore girls kal.

loved the show, didnt it feel like a year since we've seen the
Hello all. I just loved the show tonight. It was driving my poor son crazy because he had to go ask daddy for the things he wanted to ask me for. As some of you may know i am soooo pro luke and tonight just confirmed my suspicions that lor would fall for him as he battles for april.
I think chris is just going to invade too much of her space and the way she is used to running her life. I also think at some point she will get jelous of how he is there for Gigi but was not for rory.
Also could they have made layne look anymore like a thanksgiving turkey. Poor thing must be dieing under all that padding. lol.
All in all it was worth the wait, but i am starting to feel like i am watching a soap ie: passions etc.
with all this back in forth with luke and chris.
It was nice to seem some old faces IE: mrs. kim and sebation bach (guy from band).
love them all.
I think chris is just going to invade too much of her space and the way she is used to running her life. I also think at some point she will get jelous of how he is there for Gigi but was not for rory.
Also could they have made layne look anymore like a thanksgiving turkey. Poor thing must be dieing under all that padding. lol.
All in all it was worth the wait, but i am starting to feel like i am watching a soap ie: passions etc.
with all this back in forth with luke and chris.
It was nice to seem some old faces IE: mrs. kim and sebation bach (guy from band).
love them all.
Monday, January 22, 2007
one more day.... i cant wait
So tomorrow is the GG day i've been waiting for. I am just soooo excited. i think it has taken way to long. Things have gotten a bit slow around here (via site counter) lol. I'm hopeing that after the new shows start that you all will come back.. I have posted a new list of a few of my favorite patterns on the side panel of the blog. I hope you like them. they are easy to do and fast to work up. The flag listed below is my latest felting project. I just got some cascade 220 in a wonderful shade of blue and it just screamed union jack to me. so i'm making a felted handbag of the union jack. I'll post some pics as soon as it is done.
thanks all
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Does anyone have suggestions for a good GG project. I have a lot of yarn (mostly one skeins of Caron and can easily buy more since it's all my Wal-Mart has)? Anyone? Anyone? *crickets*
6 days left
Hello all,
Only six days left until the new episodes. I just can't wait. I have just loved working on my shawl sooo much that i cant wait to see the finished product. Now i guess i need a american idol project since that started yesterday. I have a slight addiction to that show as well.
Well i'm sure we are going to have alot to talk about next week but i'm sure you will see some new pics before than.
much love
Only six days left until the new episodes. I just can't wait. I have just loved working on my shawl sooo much that i cant wait to see the finished product. Now i guess i need a american idol project since that started yesterday. I have a slight addiction to that show as well.
Well i'm sure we are going to have alot to talk about next week but i'm sure you will see some new pics before than.
much love
Friday, January 12, 2007
here is the pic
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Knit, people, knit
Such a good episode. Have I mentioned that I love this show. At this point in the show i still loved christopher, but Luke will always win in my heart. Did you all see the commercials for the next new episode???? It looks really good. I do love it when chris says "I'm in a forest of crazy". I think that is a really good phrase for the gilmore home. lol. I'll have pics up tomorrow of the Gilmore Girls Shawl that i'm working on.
On a personal note my little boy is turning 7 tomorrow. I feel soooo old. I always cry on his birthday and tomorrow will be no exception. Any mom out there i'm sure can relate, It all goes soooo fast. It feels like just yesterday that i was changeing diapers. His father and I decided to pick on him a little bit and we wrapped all his gifts and set them out in the living room like it is christmas, just so he can shake them and beg to open them. lol. He got to choose what he wanted for his birthday dinner tomorrow and he picked chicken fingers and mega pizza rolls. Friday i think we are eating salad for dinner after all the junk we will be eating tomorrow. lol. so here is the birthday boy.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
sooooooo sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

As you may know I'm from a very small town in ohio. My beloved buckeyes just got their butts kicked by florida. I am not a gators fan but have to say that they played a amazing game. I just sooo sad that our perfect season had to end this badly. On yet another personal note (just so i can vent for a moment). I went to my son's great grandfathers viewing tonight and i have never ever seen such a display of disrespect from family. His name is vernon and he only had two children, 4 grandchildren, and one great grandchild (my son). As i walk up to see him i notice that the flowers on top of the casket only say "brother & uncle" his greedy nephew came in when he got sick and was able to talk him into signing over power of attorney. So it almost seems like he didnt even had children. I really dont care if they collect on the four life ins. policies he had, take over his home, or even take his stamp and coin collection but what i do care about is that his children, grandchildren, and great grandchild get the respect that they deserve. I was just sick when i saw the flowers and found out that the greedy nephew gave vernons car to his daughter, he's not even in the ground yet and they are going thru things like a pac of wolves. I called the florist right away (after seeing the flowers on the casket) and had him bring up a pillow with red roses that read, father, grandfather and great grandfather. It is now in the casket next to his head. I know that karma will help in all of this, i guess if they need his things this bad the right thing to do would be to just let them have it. I personally am sick by the whole thing.
Sorry for venting but thanks for letting me
Monday, January 8, 2007
knit,people, knit
So i was really off as to when i will be watching the OSU football game (go buckeyes!!). The game is tonight and GG is tomorrow so i get the best of both worlds. So tomorrow is yet another repeat but at least it is one of my favs. Knit people, knit is the episode that started me on this blogger journey. The residents of stars hollow get together to have a knitathon in the town square to raise money to repair the bridge. This is a must see for any knitter and any gilmore fan.
I'll be watching with you and yet again working on my shawl.
I'll be watching with you and yet again working on my shawl.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
GO TO AUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!

I have a aunt how goes to a local auction house about two times a month. I told her a while back to keep an eye out for knitting supplies for me. Well, it all paid off this weekend. They had some left overs from an estate sale and i was luckey that the former owner had good taste in yarn. I have not counted them all yet but what i have found so far is amazing. When my aunt called me she told me they had two suit cases full of yarn, one small and one large. I told her to go around ten bucks. She ended up going 25 but it was worth is. She also got a knit stand that was filled with needles, patterns, and a set of boye interchangeable needles (part of seen above) and all the pieces were still there. The really good yarn i have found is several hanks of 100% wool all of the same lot #, 3 balls of yellow 100% mohair, 1 skien of 100% virgin wool, and about 10 small skiens of "sears" (yes sears) 100% wool yarn, this stuff from sears is like a mini skien, it doesn't even have yardage listed. It does say on the back that it is recommended by Lois holmes of california (not sure who that is yet, but i'll do some research). Oh and the mohair is from Lazarus, I found a receipt in the bag for that. She bought 8 balls of 100% mohair from them and with tax paid 12.38. I'm sure a hefty sum at the time but really makes me wish she would of bought more of it.
Well sorry i haven't writen much this weekend, but on a personal note, my sons paternal great grandfather passed away thursday and now micah's (my son) had bronchitis and i'm trying to make sure micah stays healthy enough for the funeral on tuesday.
On the gilmore front, I decided with the funeral and (sounds heartless) the OSU game on tuesday i will not be able to watch GG. Since it will be a repeat anyways i poped in my box set and watched a old show to do my knitting by. I have to say i love the way the shawl is working up, simple yet looks like your a pro when you look at it. I decided to do it in a 100% wool called "melody" from jojoland yarn. It is a wonderful orange and green blend. I should get some pics of my progress posted this week.
On last thing. I was in a swap this year for christmas and loved it. I also saw several coffee, chocolate and tea swaps having to do w/ knitting. I thought it would be fun and in true GG style to do one next christmas or for our birthday's but having to do with either junk food or coffee since lore and rory survive mainly on the two of those. Please give me a comment or a email and let me know what you guys think,
Tell me either, christmas or our birthday's
coffee or junk food (ie: poptarts, malamars, sweet tarts, licorice, cheetos, etc.)
my email is and please subject it gilmore girls kal I have a bad habit of delateing things from folks i dont know. lol.
thanks mandie
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
New episodes coming soon!!!!
Get ready, Jan 23rd starts the new episodes of gilmore girls. I cant wait. While i do love all the shows old and new it will be nice to get to the story line. GO LUKE!!!
talk to ya soon
talk to ya soon
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Open invitation
Just a reminder to all,
Just email me your email addy and i will add you to the KAL. You will be able to add posts here as well as pics.
All knitters and Gilmore fans welcome.
Just email me your email addy and i will add you to the KAL. You will be able to add posts here as well as pics.
All knitters and Gilmore fans welcome.
Now i remember why i didnt like chris

Tonights repeat episode was about rory getting jelous of logans new female co worker and lore dealing with christophers decsion to send Gigi to paris with a 25 yr old nanny to visit a mother she hasnt seen in two yrs. well thats the short version. I just couldnt believe christophers reaction to lore when they went to the restroom at her parents home. Here she is explaining herself and saying she's sorry, she's not threatned by sherry, and he had to go be mean about it. I know there was a happing ending for the show but I knew there was a reason i didnt like him, I just couldnt remember why. lol.
So as for the shawl, I did start it tonight. well at least tried to. ATTENTION ALL, DO NOT TRY THE SHAWL IN RECYCLED SARI YARN. I was so excited to start this pattern and i really thought it would look nice in my new yarn. I just have never worked with the sari yarn and didnt know how stiff it is when you first get it. So I'll be working for the next hour in a new yarn to get to where i left off (before it was ripped out).
The pic above is the new purse that if finished today. I will be doing some felting tomorrow. The straps will go on tomorrow as well. After i finished the VW bug purse I have been hit with a few orders for the purse with different pics on the front.
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