I have had some noro sitting around the house just waiting for the right moment to be used and two days ago we came to a understanding. The yarn is just such a wonderful color that it begged for something cool, hip, young and funky. I had bought the stitch 'n bitch nation book a while ago but had yet to do a pattern from it then the snow fell all at once here in ohio and i needed warmth. i worked up my first pair of armwarmers. I am not a fan of gloves because i hate not being able to pick up small objects with out taking off my gloves. so fingerless gloves was a perfect fit for me and my noro. The camera i am using didn't show how great this color is. it has greens, purples, red, blue and a little bit of pink.
I was in a knitting exchange for christmas. I sent some of the more blue toned noro and some needles to a women named allison out in cal. I really handn't thought much about the gift until yesterday. I received a package in the mail from allison. she took the yarn i sent her and made me a wonderful scarf. Perfect match to my new kinda gloves. lol. Here is a pic of my surprise in the mail.

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