Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Do you have a loreali Gilmore?
As for the show. As you can tell it had an impact on me. I think we can all agree that logan is going down a very slick slop and i think that rory is going to have to team up with his dad to plan his future. He just cant do it for himself. I cant wait to see laynes babies. Goodness knows what they will name them. Did you all see the little lore and luke moment outside the baby shower, i love it. i just cant wait to see what else they are gonna do.
thanks all
Monday, February 26, 2007
i just cant get the color to show

Sunday, February 25, 2007
pardon the pause
So keep an eye out for the cheap yarn on jags and the new pics on here.
if anyone is working on the part two of the free yarn contest please post a coment and let me know other wise I may be tempeted to break into the stash i set aside for the contest. I just love the yarn i put in there and i'm not sure how much longer i can wait. lol.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I got my smileys yarn, yeeeaaaahhhhh
last nights show
Now for gilmore girls. I completly missed dula's hat (I'm sure i am mispelling that). I'm going to have to watch it again. They always have the greatest knits on there. I was so happy to see lore and emily share a real mother daughter moment even if it was alcohol induced. lol. I think lore really needed it. I did feel so bad for her in the morning when reality sunk back in. I guess nice emily can't last forever. Also I can't wait to see where this logan thing is gonna go. I know rory would love him even without all the cash but i dont know how that would effect him. Depending on what dear ol' dad does with the "deal" falling thru this could be the end of them. I really hope not. I like them together. So am i the only one holding my breath for a luke and lore reunion (pardon me as i turn blue, lol). I like how they brought his sister in to put it right in his blind face about lore or i mean the "hen". I think with last nights show they opened alot of doors for the show to be able to end this year or continue. They added a few story lines that can end very fast or drag on. I guess we will have to wait and see.
If you ever go to you will see they are holding a bit of a letter writing compaign. it is called the great8mandate. They are trying to convice the network folks that we need another season. but it looks as if alexis ( rory) may be leaving the show on her own. According to the gossip loop that is what is holding the network up on making a final decision.
lets all keep our fingers cross.
Next week we get to see preg. layne take a very strange trip to the hospital on a bed rolling down the center of stars hollow. Looks like a good one.
I'll post some pics of dula's hat as soon as i can find them on the web or take a pic of my tv.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
tonights show
I wanted to let you know that i will be posting ( and watching) tongihts show very late. As you read in the last post my grandmother fell. she broke her arm and had to have surgery on it. Well they couldnt do the surgery in our local hospital so she was taken to a bigger hospital about an hour away so i will be there visiting this evening and by the time i get back it will be after gg. So i'll be using the wonderful Tivo to tape the show and watch it asap. Please feel free to leave any show coments on this post for this eveings episode. But for those of you in a different time zone this should work out nicely for you. I'd like to add an i'm sorry for that time difference thing. After i watch an episode the first thing i do is go to the comp to post about it. I forgot that other havent seen that evenings show yet. I will try to wait to post from now on as not to spoil anything for you all.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
another gift from the cursed signs.
on the yarn front
I decided yesterday that i wanted to learn how to crochet since so many edgings on afghans are done in crochet. so i taught myself how to crochet and i must say that i'm not that bad at it or it is really easy. I dont know which one yet. i'm doing a blanket in lion brand "jiffy". I had bought a bunch when it was on sale at jo anns for 1.99. I am also working on a OSU handbag. yes i'm going to try to felt again but this time i'm doing it by hand, which should be an adventure in itself.
talk to you all soon
Friday, February 16, 2007
my felting disaster
My poor little felting disaster. I need to make a handbag, (which i've done so many times before) with a tiger paw on it. I dont know what i did wrong to make this thing come out soooo bad. I guess it's back to the needles tomorrow. so i started and finished a few projects today. now before you look at the pics please understand that i have a touch of the flu and so does my son so I'm not looking the best in these pics. I got the pattern from that pattern is called calorimetry here is the link
It only took about an hour and a half for one. i changed the amount of cast on on the light pinkish one. i thought the red one was a bit big. please note that the red one is made following the pattern. the other was slightly adjusted. these are great for people who can't wear hats. I am just not a hat person and i usually wear my hair in a pony tail ( since my surgery it bothers my scar if i wear my hair down for too long) so i cant wear hats, that is where this fits in. it will keep my ears warm without messing up my hair.
thanks all,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Lore, Luke and Leg Warmers... trust me, it makes sense.
Last night when I saw down to watch GG I cast on my sister's leg warmers (promised to her at Thanksgiving) and I think they are coming along great. Here is what I got done in an hour...

Although to be fair, I may have knit longer... like another two hours longer.
I am glad it isn't working out with Chris, I could never see Lore happy with him. I adore Luke and want to take him home with ME, but I don't see Lore being happy with Luke either. He is too... closed I guess is the word for it. Oh Lore... will we ever find happiness?
so here are some new snow day pics

so here they are. i took these this afternoon. My son micah had such a good time playing in the snow. I on the other hand did not last that long. I went inside right after my pic was taken so i could make hot cocoa. it was all ready for when the boys came in. micah and his dad had fun building a fort in the snow. Micah's poor little checks were so red when he came in. and he got mad at me when i made him wear one of my extra fun fur scarves he said it was "a girl scarf" but it did the job.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i can be reached at
but please remember to put something about gilmore girls in the subject line or you may get deleted.
ok, so that was more sad than i thought
then we have poor little chin - chin. i think that it was a fitting funeral for a dog. i like how they added dogs in the crowd.
well i'm hoping to see some gg scarves soon. i hope you are all working hard.
I am still working on the "cozy, gilmore girls" shawl. I want it big enough to wrap around me a couple times. I'll post pics soon.
its almost time.
the snow is really coming down out there and it is showing no sign of slowing (did you catch the willy wonka reference there?) well hopefully we will talk later.
oh and i received my yarn ball winder and swift in the mail today so i have been winding all of my hanks of yarn , i didnt realize how my hanks i had.
i wish is knew how to ski

Monday, February 12, 2007
I need help by Wednesday please!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone reads this and knows of anyone with a knitting blog please link them here if I can get it written up soon that will be great (and of course it will be here!). And if I can get my hands on some of that lavender-scented yarn (can't think of what it is called but I'll find out) I will totally write about it.
Thanks ahead of time!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
New pics. sorry i love my new camera

Saturday, February 10, 2007
new camera

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Lor is sooo gonna leave chris. YEAH!!! yes i'm bias.
Did you all see the adds for next weeks show. It looks like it is over for chris. Pardon me as i giggle (yes i know they are not real people). I give it a month of episodes before we see a reunion for luke.
On a personal front the young man who hit my son's cousin was charged with first degree murder. we still dont know a whole lot.
On the knitting front. I just finish another pair of the fingerless gloves for my sister and started a set for my other sister. I am still hard at work on my Gilmore girls shawl. I want it long enought to wrap around me a bunch, so that means lots of yarn, i am a big girls, lol.
I cant wait for next weeks show. wow it is just getting better and better every week.
Oh and didnt you just love the scarf that lor had on tonight. I think it was crochet.
As far as the first part of the contest, Z's momma will be getting her yarn by friday. I hope you love it. I hope you are all working on part two. I have a box of yarn here waiting to have a name and address put on it for the winner of part two.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
on a personal note, Do you believe in a curse?
On november 5th mindy died in a house fire, leaving behind her three babies and her husband of only a month, gage 8, kaylie, 4 and hayden 1.
--Next was jess and mickels cat "baby"
--then mickels grandmother
--then mickels uncle, who died of a heart attack at the age of 42 while shoveling snow
this is where jess and mickel bring the signs to my home to get them out of theres, i didn't believe in a curse so i said ok bring them over.
--then my sons great grandfather on his dads side passed away, vernon
--then a man named larry that i recently helped move into town from a farm house. he is an elderly man, he moved in town so when he did pass on his wife wouldn't be left out in the country alone he died friday only a month after moving her into town
--now this morning we get the call that my son's cousin (again on his fathers side) was murdered last night. He is only 21 years old, his girlfriend was preg. his name is micheal. He was at a party and someone got mad at him and ran him over with their car. the family is at a loss, and i am going to burn a few signs today. let me know, do you believe in a cursed item?
Saturday, February 3, 2007
we have a winner for part 1, lets get a winner for part 2

Oh canada

Thursday, February 1, 2007
Z's momma needs to get me a shipping addy. You did it!!!!!!!!!!!