I hope you all love looking at pics because i have a feeling we will have alot more of them on here now. lol. On the knitting front, I finished another set of the fingerless gloves, this one was out of the new yarn from jo anns fabrics. soy/wool.
pics posted are:
- a fingerless glove in the works, out of recycled yarn from www.jagsfunkyfibers.com. she sells recycled yarn from sweaters and such. 100 yrds for 2.00. you cant beat that.
-some of the yarn i just got from jags.com, i still dont know what i'm going to make with it.
-My new banana silk yarn (orange,yellow yarn) seen with a new viscose yarn (blue, brown) that feels like silk. i got these from a ebay store called town and country llamas. you can find it at.
- two others are of my fingerless gloves in different patterns.
I'm trying to build up a inventory for the christmas season. I want to do some craft shows. so this is why you think i must have six hands with all the gloves i'm making. lol. Next on the list is some beanies. I like the fast but cute patterns.
On the personal front i registered for college today. I'll be starting on march 18th. I am going to get my associates in business administration, the school is a online school. My sister just graduated from there and it seems to have a really good schedule for me.
well i hope you like the pics. and remember only two days until christoper gets dumped, hehehe.
Thanks for the site on recycled yarn. I visited it and was intrigued.
no prob. i get alot of yarn from jags. it is good quality yarn, clean, and she gets the best colors. She usually gets new stuff on there at least once every couple of weeks. so if you didnt find what you wanted make sure to keep checking back
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