Monday, February 12, 2007

I need help by Wednesday please!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been trying to come up with something to write to put into my senior writing portfolio and have come up with a fabulous idea! (Maybe not to the people reading I might confuse the hell out of them). But it will be an article on...knitting meeting aromatherapy. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a candle lit or something scented to help you relax as you knit and purl (or struggle with that stupid pattern that looks so pretty in the picture!)? Has knitting gotten you through a stressful time (i.e. final exams, diagnosis of a disease of a loved one or yourself, death of your goldfish, etc.)? Is there a relaxing yarn of choice?

If anyone reads this and knows of anyone with a knitting blog please link them here if I can get it written up soon that will be great (and of course it will be here!). And if I can get my hands on some of that lavender-scented yarn (can't think of what it is called but I'll find out) I will totally write about it.

Thanks ahead of time!

1 comment:

mandie437 said...

well dear i guess i dont know what your asking for. do you want us to answer the questions you asked or do you just want us to let other blogers know about the question? i guess i'm a bit slow today, i finished two of the fingerless gloves and my mind is shot and my hands are cramping.